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Saturday, December 12, 2009

Health News, Medical, mental, Dental Treatment and Beauty

Discover the latest news and video about health at CNN. ...

Can a diabetic safely eat carbs to prep for a marathon?
What's a good vitamin to take afer radiation treatment?

For the holidays, eat before the party, use smaller plates
What kind of strength work won't aggravate rotator cuff issue?

1 comment:

  1. Hi..,
    Thanks for putting this article. One of my knowns has been diagonised with Glaucoma 2 years back. He's just 24.
    He underwent a surgery (dont know which one) around 2 years back and he wears glasses.
    Irrespective of how much ever I google about it, I end up getting disturbed. I get disturbed because, I have
    crush on him. but, haven't told or committed. Now I have to make a decision which
    is a difficult job as you know.., its just an attraction right now. Not emotionally bonded and would be able
    to move out if I want with some pain for sometime and a scar for the rest of my life. And it would be painful
    because I am not a person who is in and out of relationships, or rather never had relationship with anyone.
    So Was wondering if i could get info from you. I read that, you yourself has been suffering from it for the
    past 20 years(at what age was it diagonised and hows it affected your life as a whole ) and and was a
    ble to preserve the eyesight. "Is it something which can be managed throughout life with
    religiously doing one's job of applying tropical medications as prescribed?" I asked one of my doctor friends,
    but he said, for atleast 10 more years the life would not be any different from the life I would be having
    if I married someone else, except for regular visits to opthalmologists and taking medication. And after 10 years,
    life would see a lot of ups and downs and may be after 20 years or so, life could be completely different for
    which I have to be ready. And may be someone comes up with some cure but, I can't be optimistic completely about
    it. I want to "explore" the options and make some decision because, myself being
    anxious,, i can't handle issues like these. So, thought if you could give me some light on these..

    P.S Would be waiting for your reply..
